Dear School Community,

It is my pleasure to welcome everyone for another great school year. I hope that you have enjoyed a relaxing summer of fun and had exciting memories with your loved ones.

We are now in the middle of Term 1 and I am very excited to see our students so full of energy and enthusiasm for learning every day. As stated in our school mission, we are here to empower students to become critical thinkers and socially responsible individuals motivated by moral values and a belief in tolerance, diversity and harmony. Throughout the year we aim to organize our activities around this mission.

In order for each student to achieve their maximum potential, we ask that you support your child’s learning by ensuring that they;

Taking this opportunity, I would like to introduce our new staff member, Mrs Tracy Jaap. Mrs Jaap is a very experienced teacher and she is the homeroom teacher of the Foundation class. She worked with us in 2017 as a replacement teacher and I am pleased that she is now part of Sirius College. Our team is stronger with her addition.

Parent Information Nights

We held parent information nights for two Thursdays. I would like to thank all the parents who took their time to come and meet with the homegroup teachers. I believe these gatherings strengthen communication between parents and the school and have positive influences on students’ learning. Please keep in mind that you can always call the school and arrange a mutually convenient time to talk to the relevant staff members. Below, you will find the presentation we shared with the participated parents.

On behalf of Sirius College staff, I would like to thank you for entrusting us with your children. In return, we promise to do our very best to support them.

Mr. Adem Engin